http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/18000000/Personality-Test-personality-test-18054186-400-327.jpg |
September 8
Intro to unit -
Have a look! p. 5
September 11
1a Handwrtiting
Reading, p. 6
#1 Read and listen
#2 Look at Jenny and Matt's handwriting. T or F
Pronunciation - Word stress
#3 and # 4
Exploring grammar
Present simple
#5 Complete the table
#6 Complete the text
#7 Complete the sentences
#9 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 8. Then think of more questions.
Unit 5 (I do/work/like etc.) Exercise 5.1, 5.2
September 12
1b Body Language, p. 7
#1 Listening
#2 Complete the sentences about body language with the words in the box.
Exploring grammar
Present continuous
#3 Look at the examples
# 4 Write true and false sentences about the picture.