Wednesday, April 24, 2019

April 29, 30, May 1 (National holiday)

Image result for past simple or present perfect
April 29, 30
Answer the questions from The Lottery

To listen to the story click here:

1. Construct meaning by making inferences about the following. Justify your answers by making reference to the text. (strand i)
a.  When the story was written or set
b. Where the story was set

2.  Identify and list some of the rules of the lottery which are outlines in the story. (strand i)
3. Analyse the description of the black box in paragraph 5 on page 100. What does it reveal about the tradition of the lottery? (strand ii)
4. Evaluate some of the attitudes expressed about the tradition by the characters in the story. How do the old feel about it? Do the young think differently? (strand i)
5. Evaluate why the townspeople did what they did in the story. (strand ii)
6. Interpret the message of the story. (strand ii)
7. What do you understand about the writer's attitude towards traditional practices? (strand ii)

HOMEWORK:  5 Read Theory

May 1 - National holiday - no school

May 6
2. Although the origins of bullfighting can be traced back to ancient Mesopotamia (a large area now know to us as Iraq, Syria and part of Turkey) and the Mediterranean, since medieval times the practice has become synonymous with Spain and the Spanish culture.

You can find out more about bullfighting by visiting the following website for the League Against Cruel Sports, a charity dedicated to putting an end to cruel practices often carried out in the name of tradition:

Supporters of bullfighting say it is an integral part of the national culture.  But is it right to sacrifice animals for the sake of tradition?

Conduct research to develop your own opinion.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

April 8, 9, 10

Image result for present simple or present perfect

April 8
1. 5 minute warm-up:  In your notebook address the following prompt: If I were 10 years older, I could . . .
2.  Past Simple OR Present Perfect?????

Past Simple or Present Perfect explanation:

Past Simple or Present Perfect exercises:

April 9, 10
1.  5 minute warm-up:  In your notebook address the following prompt:
      If there were no rules, what do you think would happen?
2.  2.  Can traditions be harmful? p. 98
     Why do we follow tradition?
3.  Activity: The Lottery pp. 99-105
ATL: Communication skills: Read cirtically and for comprehenson
The Lottery is a short story by American writer Shirley Jackson. When it was first published it caused a great deal of controversy.
4. Read and answer the questions