Saturday, December 7, 2013

December 10, 12, 13

Year 9, we are on to a new unit of work - Campaign.

This unit you will explore the topic of important global issues.

Unit Question: How can I make myself be heard?
AOI: Health and Social Education

Our assessment tasks this unit will include: 
     Criterion A - Oral:  Debate
     Criterion B - Visual Interpretation
     Criterion D - Opinion essay writing

December 10
   -Intro to unit
   -Distribution of hand-outs
   -p. 27 Vocabulary - World Issues

December 12
   -p. 28 Vocabulary (exercise 1)
   -p.28 - Reading   (exercise 2,3)

homework: Vocabulary p. 125 - Review vocabulary words for Unit 3.  

December 13
   -p. 29 Exploring grammar - Talking about the future
    will, goingto, present continuous and present simple
   -p.29 exercise 4, 5, 6

IB Learner Profile: Caring, Communicator

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