Monday, December 10, 2018

December 10, 11, 12

December 10
Activity:  Everyday English phrases    p. 24
ATL - Information literacy skills:  Use memory techniques to develop long-term memory

When we learn new words with no context it is difficult to keep them n our long term memory, and we somethimes do not understand how to use the work.

Let's discuss:
   How do you feel about learning new words?
  What strategies do you use to help you learn new words?
  If you want to find the meaning of a new word, what do you do?

Task 1 - The best way to learn new words is by using them . . .   p. 24

December 11
1.  5 minute warm-up:   On my winter break I will . . .
2.  Appropriate register, p. 25

3.  ACTIVITY: Recognizing formal and informal language features   p. 27
      ATL - Communication skills: Make inferences a nd draw conclusions

      In pairs, read the follwing sentences, and decide if each one is informal or formal .

December 12
1.  5 minute warm-up:   How difficult is it to use slang in a foreign language?
2.  How does slang both shape and reflect culture?  p. 28

Chaucer - Canterbury Tales
Middle English;view=fulltext

Contemporary English


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