1. Future Me - https://www.futureme.org
a. Create an account
b. Read Public Letters
c. Write an email to yourself to be delivered to you in the future

2. How to form the Present Perfect Simple (What is it? How/When do we use it?)
a. Positive Exercise https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/present-perfect-exercise-1.html
b. Negative Exercise: https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/present-perfect-exercise-2.html
3. Irregular Verbs
4. Irregular Verbs past participle
5. Present Perfect Questions
6. Present Perfect Mixed Exercises
January 9, 10
1. Present Perfect Quiz - Criterion D, strand i
Justin - https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/present-perfect-exercise-4.html
2. pp. 92-93 Why are traditions important? How are traditions created?
Read text
3. ACTIVITY: What makes a tradition a tradition?
ATL - Communication skills: Organize and depict information logically
Read the extracts on pp 93-94from the article entitled "Why we love traditions, According to Science", and then answer the questions.
4. pp 112-113 Is it OK to compromise the safety of animals for the sake of tradition?
p 112 Read text
5. pp112-113 Activity - Don't support bullfighting
Task 1 Look at the poster on p 113 and then answer the questions . . .
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