Tuesday, December 18, 2018

December 17, 18, 19

Image result for it's a wonderful life

December 18, 19

It's A Wonderful Life

7 Enduring Lessons 
  1. Your life has purpose
  2. Keeping up with the Joneses is for saps
  3. Bad guys don't always get punished
  4. Don't hire someone just because they are family
  5. Appreciate how blessed you already are
  6. How to deliver a good toast
  7. Marry the right person     

1. It was based a. for five Oscars
2 guardian b. flop
3. all the lives c. inspirational
4. nominated d. production costs
5. the most e. angel
6. initially considered a box office f. for human beings
7. high g. on the short story
8. stiff h. significant
9. affection i. he has touched
10. aesthetically j. competition

Monday, December 10, 2018

December 10, 11, 12

December 10
Activity:  Everyday English phrases    p. 24
ATL - Information literacy skills:  Use memory techniques to develop long-term memory

When we learn new words with no context it is difficult to keep them n our long term memory, and we somethimes do not understand how to use the work.

Let's discuss:
   How do you feel about learning new words?
  What strategies do you use to help you learn new words?
  If you want to find the meaning of a new word, what do you do?

Task 1 - The best way to learn new words is by using them . . .   p. 24

December 11
1.  5 minute warm-up:   On my winter break I will . . .
2.  Appropriate register, p. 25  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdDBY2-Wmis

3.  ACTIVITY: Recognizing formal and informal language features   p. 27
      ATL - Communication skills: Make inferences a nd draw conclusions

      In pairs, read the follwing sentences, and decide if each one is informal or formal .

December 12
1.  5 minute warm-up:   How difficult is it to use slang in a foreign language?
2.  How does slang both shape and reflect culture?  p. 28

Chaucer - Canterbury Tales
Middle English

Contemporary English  


Friday, November 30, 2018

December 3, 4, 5

December 3, 4

1.  Activity:  Do you like/hate/love?

What is a gerund? https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/grammar/gerund.htm

Online exercises for practice:

2.  What is slang? p. 22
How do we change the way we speak in different contexts?

Activity: How do you Brits speak today?
ATL - Communication skills: Read critically and for comprehension

a.  Visit the following website and read the article: http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/uk-now/read-uk/slang
 b. Check for comprehension:  http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/uk-now/read-uk/slang
 c. Check your vocabulary (matching): http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/uk-now/read-uk/slang
d. Check your vocabulary (multiple choice): http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/uk-now/read-uk/slang
 e. Now answer the questions on p. 22 

December 5
Activity: UK expressions and slang    p. 23
ATL - Communication skills:  REad critically and for comprehension

Task 1 - in pairs, match the expression or slang word with the Standard English definition.

Activity:  Everyday English phrases    p. 24
ATL - Information literacy skills:  Use memory techniques to develop long-term memory

When we learn new words with no context it is difficult to keep them n our long term memory, and we somethimes do not understand how to use the work.

Let's discuss:
   How do you feel about learning new words?
  What strategies do you use to help you learn new words?
  If you want to find the meaning of a new word, what do you do?

Task 1 - The best way to learn new words is by using them . . .   p. 24

Sunday, November 25, 2018

November 26, 27, 28

Image result for girlhood around the world the lily

November 26
1.  Girlhood Around The World https://s2.washingtonpost.com/camp-rw/?e=cmRkaWV0cmljaEB5YWhvby5jb20%3D&s=5bfab901fe1ff63507cadf5c
a.  Read the text and learn about life for a 14 year old girl in the Congo.
b.  How does her life differ from yours?  Write a paragraph, explain, include details.

To learn more about this project and see what life is like in go to this link. It's worth a look: https://www.thelily.com/whats-a-day-in-the-life-of-a-girl-look-like-in-10-countries-sign-up-for-the-lilys-girlhood-around-the-world-for-a-look/

2. So and because - explanation: https://www.espressoenglish.net/so-and-because/
    So and because - online exercise : http://www.esl-lounge.com/student/grammar/2g44-so-because.php

3.  1st conditional - explanation & exercise: https://www.espressoenglish.net/first-conditional/
     1st conditional - online exercise: https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/first-conditional-exercise-1.html

4.  Irregular Verbs - List of the 50 most common irregular verbs: https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/support-files/50_common_irregular_verbs_list.pdf
     Irregular Verbs - online exercises There are 4 exercises on this link https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/irregular-verbs-exercise-1.html

November 27
Kahoot - talk to your cover teacher and organize a student organized Kahoot period 6.

November 28
New Unit

Sunday, November 18, 2018

November 19

November 19
Criterion C, D - Writing      Unit 1 - Am I ready for the real world?
Communicating in Response to Written Text
Using Language in Written form

November 20
English Practice Test - https://intellitest.me/en/knowledge/UH3K0/start?utm_campaign=9910886&utm_medium=mfb_english_test&utm_source=21

What television programmes do you watch to help improve your English?

Sunday, November 11, 2018

November 12, 13, 14

Image result for orals

November 12, 13
Criterion C, D Oral Assessment

November 14

Sunday, November 4, 2018

November 5, 6, 7

Image result for university admissions

November 5
1.  Finish tests
2.  http://first-english.org/english_learning/english_tenses/simple_past/2/10_simple_past_irregular_verbs.htm

3.  Activity: Going to college

Task 1 - Oral Assessment - Criterion C, D  (3-4 minutes)
                                            Presentation Date - Monday, November 12, 13

In pairs or alone conduct research on entering a university to study a subject that you are interested in. Use the questions on p. 15 as a guide to help you. Use a site like Pictochart (https://piktochart.com/) to design a multimedia poster that includes all the information you have found and present it to the class.

November 6
1.  Past Simple

November 7
1. Past  Simple

Sunday, October 21, 2018

October 22, 23, 24

October 22

1.  5 minute warm-up:  In your notebook:
One thing that motivates me:
One thing that frustrates me:
One thing that worries me:

2. Activity: Find inspiration

Ade Adepitan uses a wheelchair as a result of contracting polio as a child, which led to the loss of the use of his left leg.

Ade Adepital is a paralympian. Watch this video and listen carefully to what Ade says about his goals:  www.bbc.co.uk/education/clips/zgn6n39

As you watch, answer the following questions:
1. Where is Ade from?
2. What does Ade do?
3. When did Ade's dream start?
4. Evaluate the purpose of the text.
5. Who is the target audience for this programme? Justify your answers by stating which features or aspects of the programme are particularly suited to this audience.
6. Identify how long it took Ade to reach his dream.
7. Who inspired Ade?
8. Do you like this video? Why? Why not?
9. According to Ade, what is more important than individual success?
10. Basing your answer on the final part of the video (4:09 onwards), what does Ade say anyone can achieve? Explain your answer by referring to information in the video.

October 23
1.  5 minute - Warm-up  -  What do you see?  What do you think?


October 24
Criterion A - Comprehending spoken and visual text

Saturday, October 13, 2018

October 15, 16, 17

Mercedes Print Ad -  Left Brain - Right Brain, Paint
October 15

Links to:  Sciences
1.  Have you wondered how the brain works? Are you a left-brain or right-brain thinker? You might have heard people say that they are good a problem-solving or better at languages. Is there a connection to how their brain works?  Check it out here:  www.verywell.com/left-brain-vs-right-brain-2795005

In pairs, carry out some research using a search engine to find out more about the left-brain right-brain theory. Make notes and keep a record of the resources you have used.

What is your point of view?  Explain, include details.

2.  Are you left-brained or right-brained?


October 16  - Cover Work  
Read the text and answer the below questions.  Write the answers in complete sentences.  

ATL:  Communication skills: Read critically and for comprehension; Write for different purposes.

Task 1
Read the text and then answer the following questions:
1. Identify the type of text it is.
2. Identify a word that means "discovery".
3. Where does Ray come from?
4. What can Ray's solution do?
5. Identify a word that means "inexperience".
6. What has Ray loved to do from a very young age?
7. What does Ray say he is not good at?
8. Identify a word that means "influenced".
9. What does Ray want to stay at university?
10. What does Ray's father do?
11. Which IB learner profile attribute(s) would you choose for Ray? Why?

Task 2
Ray is an extraordinary teenager. In pairs, find an example of someone extraordinary of any age in your school or community.

Make a list of questions to ask this person.

October 17

Activity: Find inspiration

Ade Adepitan uses a wheelchair as a result of contracting polio as a child, which led to the loss of the use of his left leg.

Ade Adepital is a paralympian. Watch this video and listen carefully to what Ade says about his goals:  www.bbc.co.uk/education/clips/zgn6n39

As you watch, answer the following questions:
1. Where is Ade from)
2. What does Ade do?
3. When did Ade's dream start?
4. Evaluate the purpose of the text.
5. Who is the target audience for this programme? Justify your ansers by stating which features or aspects of the programme are particularly suited to this audience.
6. Identify how long it took Ade to reach his dream.
7. Who inspired Ade?
8. Do you like this video? Why? Why not?
9. According to Ade, what is more important than individual success?
10. Basing your answer on the final part of the video (4:09 onwards), what does Ade say anyone can achieve? Explain your answer by referring to information in the video.

Monday, October 8, 2018

October 8, 9, 10

October 8

1.  5 minute warm-up:  In your notebook complete the following statement:
  I would rather:
      a) Have the ability to fly      OR
      b) Have the ability to read minds
Explain, include details

2. Class discussion

October 9

1.  5 minute warm-up:  In your notebook:
One thing that motivates me:
One thing that frustrates me:
One thing that worries me:

2.  Test your awareness - Do the test . . .

ATL:  Reflection skills: Demonstrate flexibility in the selection and use of learning strategies

In pairs, answer the following questions:
  • What did you see?
  • What type of text is this?
  • Identify who made the clip
  • Who is the audience?
  • Did you see the moonwalking bear?
  • Why do we see things differently?
3.  What is a noun? https://www.englishgrammar101.com/module-1/nouns/lesson-1/what-is-a-noun
 Common and Proper nouns   https://www.englishgrammar101.com/module-1/nouns/lesson-2/common-and-proper-nouns
Singular and Plural nouns:   https://www.englishgrammar101.com/module-1/nouns/lesson-3/singular-and-plural-nouns-1

Sunday, September 30, 2018

October 1, 2, 3

Image result for to read or not to read
October 1
ACTIVITY: Do you know the IB learner profile attributes?
ATL: Transfer skills: Change the context of an inquiry to gain different perspectives,
          Communication skills: Write for different purposes

1. Use your diary to find descriptions of the IB learner profile attributes.
2. Use your own words to summarize each of the learner profile attributes. For example: 'Caring - I help others and I am nice.'
3. Look at the attributes again and identify at least two that you feel are your strongest.  Write sentences with the attributes you have selected. Start your sentences with 'I am balanced when I . . .'

Online exercises
1. Vocabulary - Unique Personalities 
2.  A, An, The    Read A vs. An and complete articles exercises 1 - 6.    https://www.englishpage.com/articles/a-vs-an.htm

October 2
Formative Reading Assessment

October 3
Criterion B - Reading Assessment

Present Simple vs Present Continuous: https://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/simpre-prepro

Thursday, September 20, 2018

September 24, 25, 26


September 24
Adjective - describe nouns by giving some information about an object's size, shape, age, color, origin or material.
Adverb  -  a word or phrase that modifies the meaning of an adjective, verb, or other adverb, expressing manner, place, time, or degree (e.g. gently, here, now, very ).

Adjective Amnesia  - let's take a look at this exercise
1.  https://storybird.com/challenges/adjective-amnesia//?&utm_source=sb&utm_medium=mc_email&utm_campaign=trending&utm_term=challenges

2. Choose an image that you like or you find motivating. (ex: an image from society feelings).
    a. Use adjectives and adverbs to describe your motivation in as much detail as possible.
    b. Make sure to answer questions like:
  • What does it look like? 
  • How does it make you feel?
  • What is special and unique about this particular thing?

HOMEWORK:  finish classwork

September 25

1.  Present homework

2. Access this link: https://padlet.com/rddietrich1/jhs3im05fxha
Click on the page to present your work.

Can you log into this link?  Do you need an account?

3. ACTIVITY:  The magic lamp
ATL - Collaboration skills: Negotiate effectively; Build consensus

In pairs, imagine that you have just found a lamp. You rub it and are surprised when a genie appears! The genie of the lamp tells you that you can have three wishes related to your school life. In your pair, agree on the three wishes you wnat to present to the genie.  


September 26 

ACTIVITY: Do you know the IB learner profile attributes?
ATL: Transfer skills: Change the context of an inquiry to gain different perspectives,
          Communication skills: Write for different purposes

1. Use your diary to find descriptions of the IB learner profile attributes.
2. Use your own words to summarize each of the learner profile attributes. For example: 'Caring - I help others and I am nice.'
3. Look at the attributes again and identify at least two that you feel are your strongest.  Write sentences with the attributes you have selected. Start your sentences with 'I am balanced when I . . .'

Sunday, September 16, 2018

September 17, 18, 19

Image result for ib learner profile
September 17, 18, 19
p. 4 Think-Pair-Share
ATL Creative-thinking skills: Practice visible thinking strategies and techniques
Design a logo

1.  What is a logo? How do I create it?  Research logos. Look at logos from well known companies (ex: Nike, Coca Cola, etc.) 
2.  Create the logo:  The logo must represent you.
3. Present it to the class

Sunday, September 9, 2018

September 10, 11, 12

Image result for ib learner profile skills explained

September 10

1.  What is the IB learner Profile? At the heart of the IB is the 'learner profile' - this is the IB mission statement translated into a set of learning outcomes for the twenty-first century.

Which learner profile attributes do you possess?  
      How do the International Baccalaureate Programmes prepare you for university or college? Well, you might find it interesting to know that there is research that looks at how well students who have done these programmes do not only at Diploma level but also at university and college. The results compare students from the MYP to students who have completed other programmes, and they are very positive. The MYP approach encourages you to think for yourself and to see the difference between classroom information and the world today.

     There are schools that offer other programmes as well as IB courses. Sometimes there is competition about which progrmmme is the best! Everyone believe that their programme is the best option. But what exactly makes the MYP special? It is true to say that one of the main differences is that the MYP not only encourages you to be an independent inquirer but also allows you to explore connections between all the subjects, and you get to complete a personal project which involves lots of research.

Grammar Review:

The Present Simple Tense Explanation 

September 11
1.  Warm-up:  5 minutes

Odd one out -  Choose the word that is different and explain WHY it is different.
                                    window, river, envelope, client, oregano

2.  ACTIVITY:  Unique and shared
ATL - Collaboration skills 
Unique and shared is a game to findout what we have in common with our peers, in other words, our similarities, but also to find out what our own strengths are.

First, in groups, take a sheet of paper and decide who will take notes for your group.

In your group, create a list of the shared traits and qualitites that the members of the group have. For example, 'We all have siblings'.  Try not to write things that are too obvious.  The idea is to try and find strengths and characteristics that are not superficial. You have 10 minutes to do this.

Now, select a member of the group to read your list to the rest of the class.

For the second part of the game, the unique part, work in new groups. Select someone in the group to be the notetaker. Take another sheet of paper and write down unique characteristics for each member of the group. You must try to find at least two unique qualities for each person. Remember to try and choose things that are not superficial.  You have 10 minutes to complete this task. Nominate someone in the group to read a quality, one at a time, to the class.  See if your classmates can guess whose quality it is.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

September 4, 5


September 4

Welcome back   😃

Our lineup for today is:
1.  Intro to Year9
2.  English Notebook
3.  Access Managebac

September 5
1.  Set goals
2.  Unit 1 - Am I ready for the real world?
         Are you ready for the future?
'Guard your light and protect it. Move it forward into the world and be fully confident that if we connect light to light to light, and join the lights together of the one billion young people in our world today, we will be enough to set our whole planet aglow.' - Hafsat Abiola

  • Find out about different options and how to develop our skills.
  • Explore our personal approach to learning in a way that meets our individual needs to become lifelong learners.
  • Take action by carrying out research to begin to pursue our passion in life. Start to identify what tools are at our disposal to help us work toward our goals.

  • We will reflect on this learner profile attribute.
    Inquirers - we are curious about the world, learn independently and use our experiences to grow in order to become lifelong learners.

    Watch the short video entitled 'When I grow up?'


    Do you ever think about what you will be when you grow up? If you do not know, you are not alone. Most teenagers do not know what they want to be. But it is not too early to start to think about the world of work. Choosing a job or career is one of most important decisions of your life.

    The world is changing fast and it is a very different place today from what it used to be, especially in terms of what you can study at university and your career options. New roles are being created all the time, and there ae jobs available to young people today that did not exist ten years ago.

    KEY  WORDS - approaches to learning, skills, career, traits, degree, work experience, pathway

    1.  What is the IB learner Profile? At the heart of the IB is the 'learner profile' - this is the IB mission statement translated into a set of learning outcomes for the twenty-first century.

    Which learner profile attributes do you possess?  
          How do the International Baccalaureate Programmes prepare you for university or college? Well, you might find it interesting to know that there is research that looks at how well students who have done these programmes do not only at Diploma level but also at university and college. The results compare students from the MYP to students who have completed other programmes, and they are very positive. The MYP approach encourages you to think for yourself and to see the difference between classroom information and the world today.

         There are schools that offer other programmes as well as IB courses. Sometimes there is competition about which progrmmme is the best! Everyone believe that their programme is the best option. But what exactly makes the MYP special? It is true to say that one of the main differences is that the MYP not only encourages you to be an independent inquirer but also allows you to explore connections between all the subjects, and you get to complete a personal project which involves lots of research.

    Monday, July 2, 2018

    July 2, 3, 4

    July 2
    How can we express ourselves through the way we look?
    How does the way we dress reflect who we are?  pp 96-97

    To What extent is our idea of tru beauty influenced by our environment?
    How have our notions of beauty changed over time?  pp. 100-101
           Activity:  100 years of . . .

    July 3, 4
    About A Boy

    • Does the language of film seem authentic?
    • What are the themes of this film?
    • How does this film reflect the beliefs and values of society?

    Friday, June 22, 2018

    June 25, 26, 27

    Image result for what if everybody looked the same? 

    2) New unit - What if everybody looked the same?
    3)What is beauty?
    Does it matter what we look like? pp. 94-95
    Activity:  Defining beauty
        a.  In pairs agree on a definition of beauty and write it down
        b.  Watch the video and discuss the questions

    Wednesday, June 13, 2018

    June 11, 12, 13, 19, 20

    Image result for outline 

    June 11, 12
    Oral Presentations

    June 13, 19, 20
    1.  Watch video:  How to understand power

    2.  Create outline from this video
    Template:   http://www.talkingpeople.net/tp/howtolearn/thinking/outline.html

    3.  Class review outline
    4.  Research another Ted Ed video to outline 

    HOMEWORK:  Remember 10 Read Theory per week

    Monday, June 11, 2018

    June 11, 12, 13

    Image result for oral presentations

    June 11, 12
    Oral Presentations

    Monday, June 4, 2018

    June 4, 5, 6

    Image result for oral presentations
     HOMEWORK this week:  10 Read Theory

    June 4, 5, 6

    Oral Presentation Preparation    3-4 minutes.  Choose 1 of the following topics:
    a. Do we need rules and etiquette when sending emails?  (Do we really need rules or are they simply a waste of time or a restriction on our freedom to express ourselves?).   OR

    b. Texting     OR

    c. You and your friends have created a dog-walking service and have already created an advertisement. Prepare a presentation for your dog-walking service to go on your website. 

    June 11

    Oral Presentations

    Sunday, May 27, 2018

    May 28, 29, 30

    Related image

    May 28
    Why do we need rules and etiquette when sending emails?  (Conceptual question)
    p. 175  Before you read Text C
    Focusing discussion

    Homework:  3 Read Theory passages

    May 29
    1.   5 minute Warm-up:    If I were the teacher, I would...
    2.  p. 176 While you read Text C
    Text C
    p. 177 Text handing: Factual understanding of Text C

    Homework:  3 Read Theory passages

    May 30
    Oral Presentation Preparation
    Do we need rules and etiquette when sending emails?  

    Tuesday, May 22, 2018

    May 21, 22, 23

    Image result for email etiquette

    May 22
    Criterion A Assessment - Comprehending Written and Spoken Language

    May 23
    Why do we need rules and etiquette when sending emails?
    p. 175 - Before you read Text A
                  Focusing question

    HOMEWORK:  Gerunds and infinitives
    Exercises 1-3 

    Wednesday, May 9, 2018

    May 14, 15, 16

    May 14 

    1.   5 minute  WARM  UP -  describe the image

    Image result for pictures of hawaii volcano eruption

    2. p. 168  ATL Research and thinking skills
        It is also importnat to understand that the conventions of language can change over time.
        In the picture you can see hieroglyphics  from Ancient Egypt. The text was written about 3,000 years ago.
        To what extent are emoji similar to these hieroglyphics?
        What are the differences between texting with emoji and formal writing in English?

    HOMEWORK:  Watch video from below link
    National Geographic   https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/discover/history/egypt/hieroglyphics-uncovered/#!/register

    May 15
    p. 169  Thinking about creativity and conventions.

    May 16

    What is an audio-visual stimulas?  audio-visual text?

    1). Children's stories translated into emojis - can you guess which classic is which?


    2). Now it's your turn.
    PracticeTranslate the following sentences into emoji

     I was so tired this morning. _____________________
     I love to play football.   ________________________
     My dog is so cute!  ____________________________

    Write:  Write a short story in emoji

    HOMEWORK:  10 Read Theory Passages

    Monday, May 7, 2018

    May 7, 8, 9

    Image result for 5 minute English class warm up
    May 7

    1.   5 minute  WARM  UP  -  How many sounds can you hear?  Sit in silence for two (2) minutes and write down every sound that you hear.
    Write in your notebook

    2.  Answer questions LearnEnglish Teens worksheet

    3.  Key and related concepts:  Creativitiy and convention   p.  167

    HOMEWORK:  Articles:  a, an, the  
         Explanation:  https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/grammar_list/artikel.htm
        Practice exercise:  Definite Articles

    May 8
    1.  5 minute WARM  UP -
    An old man was dying and so he called his three sons. He gave them equal money and asked them to buy something that could fill their living room entirely. He told them that he would give all his money and property to the son who was able to do this task as asked.

    The first son buys sticks and tries to fill the room but he falls short of sticks. The second son buys straw but he also falls short of filling the room. The third son buys only two things and he is able to fill the room completely and thus earns all the property and money.

    What did he buy?

    2.   p. 168 Let's look at conventions in writing.  Write answers to the questions in your notebook.
          p. 169 Thinking about creativity and conventions

    HOMEWORK: Vocabulary:  Internet 101  https://www.englishpage.com/vocabulary/interactivelesson3.html

    May 9

    Criterion C, D - Writing Task 

    HOMEWORK:    10 Read Theory passages

    Sunday, April 29, 2018

    April 30, May1, 2

    Image result for read theory
    April 30
    1.   5 minute  WARM  UP  -  Yesterday, I wish I had...
    Write in your notebook

    2.  Read Theory
          a.  Receive your username/password.
          b.  Begin your placement test

    HOMEWORK:  5  READ THEORY  Exercises for Wednesday, May 2.

    May 1 - National holiday - no lessons

    May 2
    1.   5 minute  WARM  UP  -  1 thing I feel proud about. . .  Explain, include details
    Write in your notebook

    2.  British Council  - Exam speaking:  Oral presentation - exercises

    FYI (for your information)
    Great beginnings

     HOMEWORK:  5  READ THEORY  Exercises for Monday, May 7

    Monday, April 23, 2018

    April 23, 24, 25

    Resultado de imagem para oral presentations bbc

    April 23
    Oral Presentations:  Are emoji a creative use of language?

    Groups:  Sebastião, Liliana
                   Manuel, Tomás, Yuhan

    April 24
    Orals - Beginnings

    HOMEWORK:  1) Rewatch above video   2)Complete worksheet

    April 25
    National holiday

    April 30

    Great beginnings

    1. 5 minute  WARM  UP  -  Yesterday, I wish I had... 
    Write in your notebook

    2.  Page 166 Activity:  Instructions for use

    Your schoold has decided it needs some clear rules about the use of the emoticons and emojis in students' written schoolwork.
    Write a set of dos and donts for useing emoji in communitcations:
        A.  with friends,
        B.  for schoolwork
        C.  for formal emails such as college applications.

    Tuesday, April 10, 2018

    April 16, 17, 18

    Image result for are emoji a creative use of language?
    April 16, 17, 18

    Oral Presentation  Presentation Date April 23

    1.  Decide which prompt your group will choose.
         a.  Create a presentation (Powerpoint, Prezi, Keynote, etc) for a group of young children.   OR
         b.  Are emoji a creative use of language?  
    2.  Use the handouts to help guide your learning and organize your presentation.
    3.  Practice delivery and be ready to present on Monday, April 23

    HAVE  A  GREAT  WEEK :-)

    Monday, April 9, 2018

    April 9, 10, 11

    Image result for emoji

    April 9

    1.  Review IDU Protest unit reading comprehension

    2.  Unit 3:   Emoticons, emoji and email etiquette

    Global context:  Scientific and technical innovation
    Key concept:  Creativity
    Related concept:  Conventions

    Statment of inquire:  There are social and formal conventions we should use when we communicate but we can still be creative in our use of language, especially in our use of social media.

    Inquiry questions:
      What are emoticons?
      What are emoji? how can we use emoji and emotions both appropriately and creatively?
      Can communication take place if we do not have conventions for speaking or writing?
      Will technological developments soon make formal written language unnecessary?

    April 10
    1.  What are emoticons?  Before reading  p. 157
         Discussion:  What do you know about emiticons and emojis?  When is it OK to use emoticons and emojis and when is it not OK to use them?

    2. Reading Assessment

    Sunday, March 18, 2018

    March 19, 20, 21

    Image result for write a protest song
    March 19
    Discussion based on research
    Research - Protests Around The World
    1.  Where are they happening?  Identify, List, Explain - include details
    2.  Why are people protesting?  What are the issues? Identify, List, Explain - include details

    March 20
    1.  Research protest songs

    2.  Write a Protest Song

    HOMEWORK:  Finish writing protest song

    March 21
    Criterion B - Reading Assessment

    Monday, March 12, 2018

    March 12, 13, 14

    Image result for protest

    March 12, 13
    Write and Discuss: Why do you listen to music? How does music make you feel? Does music serve a different role in your life depending on your mood, who you are with or what you are doing? Does music ever cause you to think differently, to feel a part of something larger or to want to rise up and take action?

    Then, respond to this quotation by Pete Seeger, a champion of folk music, who died in 2014:
    One of the purposes of music is to help you forget your troubles; another, help you learn from your troubles (some do), and, some will help you do something about your troubles.
    Do you agree? Why?

    Listen and Annotate: Next, listen to We Shall Overcome a protest song from the 20th century, while reading along with the printed lyrics. As you listen, annotate by underlining, highlighting or writing in the margins — reacting or responding to anything in the lyrics or in the music itself.

    • What did you notice in the song as you listened? How did it make you feel?
    • What did you hear that makes you say that?
    • What more can you find?
    March 14
    Research - Protests Around The World
    1.  Where are they happening?  Identify, List, Explain - include details
    2.  Why are people protesting?  What are the issues? Identify, List, Explain - include details