Tuesday, June 23, 2020

June 23, 25, 26

Private Peaceful, Feature Film, 2012 | Crew United

June 23, 25, 26

1. Tuesday  Zoom class link and details:
The details for our Zoom class are:

1.  No Zoom class on Thursday - continue to watch film

1.  Friday Zoom class link and details:

2.  Watch Private Peaceful film


Thanks for Cummings : Have a Great Summer!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

June 16, 18, 19

June 16, 18, 19

1.  Monday Zoom link:  https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73980302204?pwd=SUV6TVliSWtMT3lJZzhET1J1cGtpQT09

1.  Thursday Zoom class details:

Meeting id:  731 4143 3615
Password:  0AVZjW

1.  Friday Zoom class details:

PrivatePeaceful text:

BBC Radio - Private Peaceful   Chapter summary:

Chapter 6 - Nearly five to one   
1. Why does Big Joe go missing?
2. Who takes part in the search for Big Joe?
3. Why does Molly suggest that they search in the Church?
4. Write a few lines about a time when you found something that was
very important to you that you feared you had lost.
5. What do you think Big Joe means when he says ‘Ungwee. Ungwee.’?

Chapter 7 - Twenty-eight minutes past one
1. How does the first paragraph of this chapter relate to events in the
previous chapter?
2. What is the ‘broken promise’ that Tommo says was responsible for
bringing him to France?
3. Why does Tommo feel both overjoyed and miserable on the evening
when he learns that Molly is pregnant?
4. What fills Tommo with shame after seeing the soldiers?
5. How is the Colonel able to force Charlie to go to war?

6. Why do you think Tommo decides to go to war with Charlie?

Chapter 8 - Fourteen minutes past two
1. What lie do the brothers tell so that they’ll get recruited to the army?
2. What sound like ‘distant thunder’ do the boys hear at the training
camp in Salisbury, England?
3. Why does Tommo compare himself to a bee that he sees
while training?
4. How do Tommo and Charlie cope with crossing the English
Channel by ship?
5. How do you think Sergeant Hanley expects Charlie to respond
when he calls him a ‘blot on Creation’?
6. Write down five of your own words to describe Sergeant Hanley.
7. What do you think is the most difficult thing about the boys’
careers as soldiers so far? Why?

Chapter 9 - A minute past three
1. Like the other chapters, this chapter opens with Tommo staying
awake all through the night. Describe how you think he might be
feeling at this time.
2. Why do you think the soldiers are relieved to be going to the front?
3. Why does Tommo imagine that he can almost taste humbugs?
4. What kind of food do Tommo and Charlie eat at the estaminet?
5. The soldiers have a nickname for the town of Ypres in Belgium
which is being pounded by bombs. What is it?

Chapter 10 - Twenty-five past three
1. Based on the opening paragraph of this chapter, what is your best
guess as to why Tommo is spending the night alone in a barn?
2. Why does Tommo give up all hope of Charlie returning to the
dugout alive?
3. Tommo picks out two stars in the night sky. Who does he imagine
these stars to be?
4. Who makes an unwelcome return to Tommo’s life at the end of
this chapter?

Chapter 11 - Nearly four o'clock
1. In this chapter’s opening paragraph, what do we find out about the
vigil that Tommo is keeping in the barn?
2. Why are the new recruits so badly needed?
3. What sort of attack takes place as Tommo is writing his letter home?
4. What harmful effects does the gas have on the soldiers?
5. What good news does Tommo hear in his mother’s letter?

Chapter 12 - Five to five
1. What is about to happen at 6am, according to the opening paragraph?
2. Why does Charlie disagree with Sergeant Hanley’s decision to leave
the dugout and attack the German bunker?
3. How many witnesses does the British army have at Charlie’s
court martial?
4. Is Charlie’s court martial fair or unfair in your opinion? Why?
5. Why doesn’t Captain Wilkie help to support Charlie’s case in the
court martial?

Chapter 13 - One minute to six
1. How does this short, final chapter make you feel?
2. Why is Tommo ‘far from alone’ in his grieving?
3. Where is Charlie buried?
4. Why do you think the author includes a postscript after this
5. Do you agree with the ‘conditional pardon’ granted by the British
Government in 2006? Why?/Why not?

In the First World War, between 1914 and 1918, over 290 soldiers of the British and Commonwealth armies were executed by firing squad, some for desertion and cowardice, two for simply sleeping at their posts. Many of these men we now know were traumatised by shell shock. Court martials were brief, the accused often unrepresented. To this day the injustice they suffered has never been officially recognised. The British Government continues to refuse to grant posthumous pardons.

Vocabulary linkshttps://quizlet.com/subject/Private-Peaceful/

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

June 9, 11, 12

Guided Reading Levels - Dexter District Library

June 9

Private Peaceful
Chapter 6 - Nearly Five to One

June 11, 12  -  no classes - Long Weekend

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

June 2, 4, 5

International Booker Prize 2020: The Longlist Is Announced
Booker Prize 2020 long list
June 2, 4
1.  Tuesday  Zoom class link:   https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74462406708?pwd=cWFUQkZXNU5DMFA0Yk1md21sK0IwUT09
Meeting id:  744 6240 6708
Password:  4vX5qW

Thursday Zoom class link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73731206017?pwd=bFZoVGlUWWY5d3duZDlXaUlhRG9lZz09

meeting id:  737 3120 6017
password:  5K9KzE

2.  Literary Terms and Literary Devices

Protagonist - protagonist is the central character or leading figure in poetry, narrative, novel or any other story. A protagonist is sometimes a “hero” to the audience or readers. 

Antagonist - In literature, an antagonist is a character, or a group of characters, which stands in opposition to the protagonist, which is the main character. 


Foreshadowing:  Foreshadowing is a literary device in which the author gives clues about events that will happen later in the story. Often these clues are fairly subtle so that they can only be noticed or fully understood upon a second reading. Foreshadowing can come in the form of descriptive detail, such as storm clouds on the horizon, bits of dialogue, and even in the names an author gives characters. For example, John Steinbeck based his novel East of Eden on the story of Cain and Abel, and named his characters Caleb and Aron to foreshadow their respective fates.

  • · Foreshadowing is an author’s use of hints or clues to suggest events that will occur later in the story.
  • · Not all foreshadowing is obvious. Frequently, future events are merely hinted at through dialogue,description, or the attitudes and reactions of the characters.
  • · Foreshadowing frequently serves two purposes.
    •  It builds suspense by raising questions that encourage the reader to go on and find out more about the event that is being foreshadowed.
    • 2) Foreshadowing is also a means of making a narrative more believable by partially preparing the reader for events which are to follow.

Foreshadowing adds suspense.
Explanation - https://literaryterms.net/Foreshadowing/

Quiz:  https://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=foreshadowing
Quiz: https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/573c8a25b0c457051ae28da2/foreshadowing-flashback

Flashback is a literary device wherein the author depicts the occurrence of specific events to the reader, which have taken place before the present time the narration is following, or events that have happened before the events that are currently unfolding in the story.

Explanation -  https://literaryterms.net/when-and-how-to-write-a-flashback/

Foreshadowing vs Flashback

June 5
1.  Zoom meeting: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/76867172551?pwd=Ri9UcWVRZkV6YjFKUWRBMzEzYW5MQT09

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

May 26, 28, 29

May 26
1.  Zoom class linkhttps://us04web.zoom.us/j/73198503378?pwd=aGVMYVQyVUlGY1Rubmt4ajlHTC82Zz09
2.  Reading - Private Peaceful
     Chapter 4  Ten to Midnight

May 28
1.  Zoom class link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79750199436?pwd=bjF0bjQ5S2RKQkpsRWJLRVRZa3p4QT09
2.  Criterion C, D Quia Written Assessment
     Log in using your Quia account number

May 29
1.  Zoom class link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79680592480?pwd=YXV5cU8wdERucVpOcGh5UGlaYWVCZz09
2.  Let's make sure that everything has been submitted
3.  Flashbacks and foreshadowing

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

May 19, 21, 22

20 Ways to Catch #FlipgridFever – Brave In The Attempt

May 19
1.  Zoom meeting: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73362033149?pwd=Wk1YRi9XbWtVVGxBbXR5RmNqQWUwZz09

2.  Flipgrid - login with your school email.  Get acquainted with the format.


Don't forget to post your videos!

May 21
1.  Zoom class link:

2.  Oral Preparation
Thomas sees a dead crow hanging from the fence. The crow reminds Thomas of his father's death. Thomas's father used to take Thomas out into the woods with him in the mornings to cut timber.
 Thomas would play in the woods while his father worked. One day, Thomas was playing in the woods and a tree almost fell on him. Thomas' father yells at him to run, but Thomas is scared and can't run. Thomas' father runs to him and throws him out of the way of the falling tree. 

The tree crushes Thomas' father, killing him instantly. At the funeral, Thomas keeps his terrible secret. If Thomas had only run when his father told him to, his father would still be alive. Thomas feels that he killed his father. 

1. Discuss the implications or the situation of a father taking a very young boy with him when cutting timber, a very dangerous job even for adults. Why do you think the father did this? Why might the mother have allowed it? What does this say about the difference between the early 1900s and the present? Use examples from your own life and Private Peaceful to support your answer. 

2. Discuss some of the ways in which Mr. Peaceful's death affected Thomas for the rest of his life. Use examples from your own life and Private Peaceful to support your answer. 

3. Discuss the differences with which Thomas' family handled his father's death compared to how it might be done today. For example, is it more likely now that if a very young boy witnesses his father's death the boy would be taken to counseling? What other differences might occur? Use examples from your own life and Private Peaceful to support your answer. 

4. Why do you think the dead crow reminded Thomas of his father's death? Use examples from your own life and Private Peaceful to support your answer.

May 22

1.  Zoom class: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79232416992?pwd=bk5zM0p5Y2Jqdm1EU0kweTRPcGVVZz09

2.  Criterion C - Communicating in response to spoken, written and visual text 
   i. respond appropriately to spoken, written and visual text
   ii. engage in rehearsed and unrehearsed exchanges to share ideas on topics of personal and global significance
   iii. express ideas and feelings, and communicate information in simple and complex texts iv. communicate with a sense of audience and purpose

Criterion D - Using language in written and spoken form 
  i. write and speak using a range of vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions; when speaking, use clear pronunciation and intonation
  ii. organize information and ideas into a structured text; use a wide range of cohesive devices
  iii. use language to suit the context.

TASK:  Choose one of the above prompts and deliver a 2-3 minute oral presentation on Flipgrid.


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

May 12, 14, 15

May 12

1.  Zoom link:  https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74520929968?pwd=TUtnRDJUTndKV3ljdVBoVXVTU201QT09

2.  Conflict in literature
 Conflict in Literature
Related image

Conflict in Literature | Conflict in literature, Reading charts ...

Types of Literary Conflict - Mr. Brunken's Maus Unit. A very basic ...

May 14

2.  Quia link - Literary Conflict quiz:  http://www.quia.com/quiz/7265805.html

3.   Chapter 2   Twenty to Eleven   Discussion questions:
1. What trick do Tommo and Charlie play on Big Joe?
2. Write down five of your own words to describe Big Joe.
3. How does their mother punish the boys for the trick they play?
4. According to Tommo, what did the Peaceful brothers do that first caused the Colonel to dislike them?
5. Describe what Mrs Peaceful was like before her husband died.Write down four words that you would use to describe Grandma Wolf.
7. At the end of this chapter, Tommo talks about his bad dreams.
Have you had a nightmare or bad dream before? What was it about?

4.  Chapter 3 - Nearly Quarter Past Eleven
1. What does the opening paragraph tell you about where Tommo is at present?
2. What did Molly’s father work at?
3. Name three types of animal that Big Joe keeps.
4. Grandma Wolf had a deep fear of mice. Do you have any fears?
Write about one of them.
5. What happens in this chapter to make the children feel ‘liberated’?
6. What do Tommo, Charlie and Molly spend their time doing for the next couple of years?
7. Why do you think Molly’s parents are so unfriendly towards the boys?

May 15

2.  Quill - https://quill.org

Justin: Your Literary Conflict Quiz can be found here:  http://www.quia.com/quiz/7753304.html

Monday, May 4, 2020

May 5, 7, 8

The Importance of Each Elements of the Convention

May 5
1.  Zoom class link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73451707252?pwd=a2tPZ0F5QW1MMTAxZTdwN3NOc28zZz09

2.  Criterion A - Comprehending Spoken and Visual text:  http://www.quia.com/quiz/7743361.html

The video link is as follows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30CPmgVQNks

Justin's test:  http://www.quia.com/quiz/7743446.html

May 7

1.  Zoom meeting: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73216970529?pwd=akIxR2hvWDZjOXV5VTQwNWc0V1djQT09

2.  Chapter Summary Notes:  Five past Ten
* Thomas Peaceful, a private in the first World War, is determined not to sleep as to not waste time any time dreaming. 
* Thomas recalls his first day of school and his worry about it. His brother Charlie takes him and promises to take care of him.
* Charlie cannot stay with him as he is a Biggun and Thomas is a Tiddler. Thomas learns how to tie his shoes and makes a friend. 
* Thomas sees a dead crow hanging from the fence and it reminds him of his father's death. His father would take him in the woods with him to cut timber.

Discussion of first chapter

May 8   Chapter 2   Twenty to Eleven
1.  Zoom class:   https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79092785151?pwd=eFRtcG43SGk0YXU1cjV6UzlhbWlrQT09

2.  Chapter summary
* Molly tells Thomas she thinks Big Joe is nice and Thomas decides he will love her forever. After that Molly becomes a regular visitor at their home. 
* Thomas's mother works for the Colonel taking care of his wife.
* Grandma Wolf takes care of Big Joe, Charlie, and Thomas. She is actually their great aunt. 
* She is somewhat mean and cantankerous and she often hits Big Joe. She is strict and has too many rules. 
* Thomas's mother is too tired to stand up to Grandma Wolf so Grandma Wolf runs the house.

3.  Discussion questions:
1. What trick do Tommo and Charlie play on Big Joe?
2. Write down five of your own words to describe Big Joe.
3. How does their mother punish the boys for the trick they play?
4. According to Tommo, what did the Peaceful brothers do that first
caused the Colonel to dislike them?
5. Describe what Mrs Peaceful was like before her husband died.
Write down four words that you would use to describe
Grandma Wolf.
7. At the end of this chapter, Tommo talks about his bad dreams.
Have you had a nightmare or bad dream before? What was it about?

Monday, April 27, 2020

April 28, 30, May 1

First World War Posters - WW1 East Sussex
WW1 propaganda poster

April 28

1. Zoom class 
2. Reading  
It's a good idea to keep a reading log for each chapter. Taking notes will help you keep track of characters and events in that chapter. You can keep a paper version or a computer based version.  You don't have to write in full sentences (you can use bullet points or even pictures).  This will help you better understand the action throughout the novel and you will be able to easily refer to it when we are discussing the book.


April 30
1.  Zoom class:  https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73417503409?pwd=bTdlTTFnMmxDeTZCdGYyclZUd2VWZz09

2.  Finish reading: p.13 2nd paragraph

3.  Discussion questions:

1. How old is the narrator in the opening paragraph?
2. What is the narrator’s name?
3. How does Tommo describe Mr Munnings?
What did Tommo’s father work at?
5. List three good things that the Colonel says about James Peaceful
at his funeral.
6. How would you describe the character of Charlie after reading this
chapter? Do you like him? Why?
7. Why do you think Tommo says ’I have killed my own father’? Do
you think he is right?
8. Write a few lines about the first day that you started school, from
what you can remember. How did you feel?

May 1 - National holiday (Labour Day) No School

Friday, April 17, 2020

April 21, 23, 24

Welcome to Term 3 - Remote teaching and learning

Our new unit will be a novel: Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo

Private Peaceful Pages 1 - 50 - Text Version | FlipHTML5
April 21, 23, 24
1. Zoom call
2. 5 minute Warm-up:  Respond to the following prompt:  Is it better to be the oldest sibling, middle sibling, youngest sibling or an only child?
3. Intro to new unit - Intro to "the novel"

Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo   

Unit Questions: 
Factual - What is a novel? What are the elements of a novel?
Conceptual - Why do we tell stories?  What can we express through a story? What can we learn through a story?
Debatable:  Is literature like life? What is literature supposed to do?

Content includes: Fact or Opinion, Elements of a novel, Literary devices

4. Research the author
    Before you begin a short story or a novel you need to research the author.  Conduct a quick search about Michael Morpurgo to find out the basics: who he is, where he is from, era in which he lives/lived, is he well-known?, has he won any awards?, does he have a website?

5.  Let's begin.
    a. Based on the title of this book, What do you think this book is about?
    b. Now, look at the image above, Is the topic of the novel any clearer upon seeing the cover of the book?
    c. Read the blurb from the rear book cover then answer the question, "Do you want to read this book?" Why or why not?  Explain, include details

Private Peaceful: Amazon.co.uk: Michael Morpurgo: Books
   d.  Next, let's watch the trailer for the film.

   Do you now have a better idea of what the book is about?  

   e. What do you know about World War 1? When did this war take place? Who were involved? What was the outcome? etc.?

   f.  What were the main (M.A.I.N) causes of the war? look at the infographic

   g.  Find images (conduct research) related to WWI and share them.

   h. What is a good opening to a novel?  (discuss)

   i.  Read the first 4 pages of the novel.  Is this a good opening for a novel? Why or why not? Private Peaceful pdf (Text)     http://www.queenmargaret.sayr.sch.uk/uploads/9/7/5/1/9751352/private_peaceful_lp_t16.pdf
   j. Write a short paragraph; explain your predictions for why you feel the rest of the story will be about based on the first paragraph.  Put your paragraph on this padlet: https://padlet.com/rddietrich1/rd9ol1d8f3yztnxy

   k.  Take a look at this World War 1 facebook page:         https://www.facebook.com/WWar1/

6.  Reading assignment - read Five Past Ten   Private Peaceful pdf (Text)

April 24
1.  Zoom call
2. Elements of a novel
3. Setting:  The setting of a piece of literature is the time and place in which the story takes place. The definition of setting can also include social statuses, weather, historical period, and details about immediate surroundings. Settings can be real or fictional, or a combination of both real and fictional elements.

Exercise - https://www.ereadingworksheets.com/reading-comprehension-worksheets/setting-worksheet-01.pdf

Friday, March 27, 2020

March 31, April 2, 3

1.  Zoom call - roll, instructions, questions, discussions

2. 5-minute warm-up.  Respond to the prompt:
Would you rather be an animal or a toy?

3. The first conditional
Image result for the first conditional
Explanation:  https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/first-conditional.html

Exercises: https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/first-conditional-exercise-1.html

4.  p 56 Take action!  Upload your work to Your English Folder
Open a Word Document
Write your name at the top of the paper

1. Write a paragraph to discuss what it means to change something and what it means to influence something. Look up both these words in a dictionary or online.
Do the definitions help?

Think about what you might be able to directly change or influence the outcome of.
For example, you might be able to stop a local park closing, but can only influence a decision to end poverty throughout your country.

Is it hard to accept that some things aren’t in your control? Are there things you feel you have to accept and can’t really expect to change or influence? Being aware and accepting these things can help us to focus on the things we can do.

2. Identify a cause you personally feel strongly/passionate about and think of specific actions you and your school community can take. (Service as Action)

What could you achieve in:
  • 10 minutes 
  • half an hour 
  • an hour 
  • a day  
  • a week 
  • a month?

1.  5 minute warm-up  Respond to the prompt: 
Would you rather be an animal or a toy?

2.  Zoom call

3.  2nd Conditional
Conditionals - Perfect English Grammar

Explanation: https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/second-conditional.html
Exercise:  https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/second-conditional-exercise-1.html

3.  Second conditional in use

The Ministry of Education here in Portugal will meet on April 9 to decide when the schools in Portugal will reopen.

Write a text (100-150) words giving your opinion on this topic.  Remember to include the 2nd Conditional and cohesive devices in your writing.


1.  Zoom meeting

2.  Good Morning - Let's see how this works:  

How playing sports benefits your body ... and your brain
 - Criterion A  Video