Tuesday, May 12, 2020

May 12, 14, 15

May 12

1.  Zoom link:  https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74520929968?pwd=TUtnRDJUTndKV3ljdVBoVXVTU201QT09

2.  Conflict in literature
 Conflict in Literature
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Conflict in Literature | Conflict in literature, Reading charts ...

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May 14

2.  Quia link - Literary Conflict quiz:  http://www.quia.com/quiz/7265805.html

3.   Chapter 2   Twenty to Eleven   Discussion questions:
1. What trick do Tommo and Charlie play on Big Joe?
2. Write down five of your own words to describe Big Joe.
3. How does their mother punish the boys for the trick they play?
4. According to Tommo, what did the Peaceful brothers do that first caused the Colonel to dislike them?
5. Describe what Mrs Peaceful was like before her husband died.Write down four words that you would use to describe Grandma Wolf.
7. At the end of this chapter, Tommo talks about his bad dreams.
Have you had a nightmare or bad dream before? What was it about?

4.  Chapter 3 - Nearly Quarter Past Eleven
1. What does the opening paragraph tell you about where Tommo is at present?
2. What did Molly’s father work at?
3. Name three types of animal that Big Joe keeps.
4. Grandma Wolf had a deep fear of mice. Do you have any fears?
Write about one of them.
5. What happens in this chapter to make the children feel ‘liberated’?
6. What do Tommo, Charlie and Molly spend their time doing for the next couple of years?
7. Why do you think Molly’s parents are so unfriendly towards the boys?

May 15

2.  Quill - https://quill.org

Justin: Your Literary Conflict Quiz can be found here:  http://www.quia.com/quiz/7753304.html

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