May 5
1. Zoom class link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73451707252?pwd=a2tPZ0F5QW1MMTAxZTdwN3NOc28zZz09
2. Criterion A - Comprehending Spoken and Visual text: http://www.quia.com/quiz/7743361.html
The video link is as follows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30CPmgVQNks
Justin's test: http://www.quia.com/quiz/7743446.html
May 7
1. Zoom meeting: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73216970529?pwd=akIxR2hvWDZjOXV5VTQwNWc0V1djQT09
2. Chapter Summary Notes: Five past Ten
* Thomas Peaceful, a private in the first World War, is determined not to sleep as to not waste time any time dreaming.
* Thomas recalls his first day of school and his worry about it. His brother Charlie takes him and promises to take care of him.
* Charlie cannot stay with him as he is a Biggun and Thomas is a Tiddler. Thomas learns how to tie his shoes and makes a friend.
* Thomas sees a dead crow hanging from the fence and it reminds him of his father's death. His father would take him in the woods with him to cut timber.
Discussion of first chapter
May 8 Chapter 2 Twenty to Eleven
1. Zoom class: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79092785151?pwd=eFRtcG43SGk0YXU1cjV6UzlhbWlrQT09
2. Chapter summary
* Molly tells Thomas she thinks Big Joe is nice and Thomas decides he will love her forever. After that Molly becomes a regular visitor at their home.
* Thomas's mother works for the Colonel taking care of his wife.
* Grandma Wolf takes care of Big Joe, Charlie, and Thomas. She is actually their great aunt.
* She is somewhat mean and cantankerous and she often hits Big Joe. She is strict and has too many rules.
* Thomas's mother is too tired to stand up to Grandma Wolf so Grandma Wolf runs the house.
3. Discussion questions:
1. What trick do Tommo and Charlie play on Big Joe?
2. Write down five of your own words to describe Big Joe.
3. How does their mother punish the boys for the trick they play?
4. According to Tommo, what did the Peaceful brothers do that first
caused the Colonel to dislike them?
5. Describe what Mrs Peaceful was like before her husband died.
Write down four words that you would use to describe
Grandma Wolf.
7. At the end of this chapter, Tommo talks about his bad dreams.
Have you had a nightmare or bad dream before? What was it about?
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