December 10 1. Paragraph writing quiz - Criterion D strand ii organize information and ideas into a structured text, use a wide range of cohesive devices 2. pp. 92-93 Why are traditions important? How are traditions created?
Read text 3. ACTIVITY: What makes a tradition a tradition?
ATL - Communication skils: Organize and depict information logically
December 12 - Kahoot Day! 1. 5 minute warm-upRespond to the following prompt in your journal: What is your favourite time of day? Why? 2. Kahoot!
December 13 - Grammar Day! 1. 5 minute warm-up Respond to the following prompt in your journal: If I wake up tomorrow and everything has changed, what will have changed? Present Perfect Simple
December 3
1. Paragraph Review WS - 3
Part II - #10
Part I - #1-6 Read the paragraphs and do the following:
A. Underline the topic sentence. Circle the topic.
B. Cross out any sentence that doesn't belong in the paragraph.
C. Put a box around or highlight the transitional words and phrases.
December 5 1. 5 minute warm-up Respond to the following prompt in your journal: Greta Thunberg arrived in Portugal on Tuesday, Dec 3. If you had the opportunity to speak with her, what would you say?
2. Paragraph Review WS - 4
Part I: One sentence in each of the pairs would make a good topic sentence. The other sentence would make a good supporting detail. Write TS for the topic sentence, and SD for the supporting detail sentence.
Part II: Each group of a title and three sentences contains one strong topic sentence. Circle the letter of the best topic sentence.
December 6 1. 5 minute warm-up Respond to the following prompt in your journal: What would happen if there were no cars, buses, trains, boats, or planes? How would this change your life? 2. p. 91 - What is a tradition? Read text 3. p. 91 - ACTIVITY: What are your traditions?
Use an online dictionary to find the definitions of the following words: tradition ritual custom rite ceremony
1. Look at the definitions you have found. Identify any similarities or differences between them.
2. Use all five definitions to come up with your own definition or explanation of what a tradition is.
3. Write down an example of a:
a. family tradition
b. tradition connected to your faith or another religion
c. tradition from your country or culture
d. tradition that you may have started with your friends
4. Are there any traditions from your country or culture that are no longer practised? If so, why do you think that is?
5. Discuss your answers in pairs and then feed back to the class.
November 19 1. 5 minute warm-up Respond to the following prompt in your journal: Walking in the rain is . . . 2. Paragraph Writing Worksheet November 21 Criterion C, D - Writing assessment November 22
1. 5 minute warm-up Respond to the following prompt in your journal: If animals could talk, I would ask them. . .
2. Isis Oral presentation: University - Criterion C, D
1. 5 minute warm-up - Respond
to the following prompt in your journal: Imagine that you are marooned
on a desert island. Choose five things you would want to have with you.
November 7
1. 5 minute warm-up Respond to the following prompt in your journal: What does the world need most?
2. Paragraph writing
a. paragraph review
b. paragraph review ws 1
October 15 1. 5 minute warm-up Respond to the following prompt: If you
found a treasure chest buried in your garden, what would you most like
to discover inside?
2. Oral Presentation Prep: ACTIVITY: Going to college Task 1 p. 15
Oral Assessment - Criterion C, D (3-4 minutes) Presentation Date - Friday October 11, Monday October 14 The future is sooner than you think! How can you prepare to enter the uni of your dreams?
a. Conduct research on entering a university to study a
subject that you are interested in. b. Use the questions on p. 15 as a
guide to help you. Entry requirements- what subjects and grades will you need to do this course? Type of university - what type of campus is it? Is it in a city? Fees - how much does it cost? Scholarship/bursary - are there any scholarships or bursaries? How do you apply? Housing - what type of accommodation is there? Extracurricular activities Study abroad programmes Any other information of interest c. Create a visual to help you stay focused and keep your audience interested. (You can create a PowerPoint or use a site like Pictochart ( to design a multimedia poster that includes all the information you have found and present it to the class.)
*Remember: Stand up straight Make eye contact with your audience Be enthusiastic Use your voice well (speak loud and enunciate clearly)
1. 5 minute Warm-up: Respond in your journal to the following prompt: Are you a competitive person?Why or why not?
2. Oral Presentation Prep: ACTIVITY: Going to college Task 1 p. 15
Oral Assessment - Criterion C, D (3-4 minutes) Presentation Date - Friday October 11, Monday October 14 The future is sooner than you think! How can you prepare to enter the uni of your dreams?
a. Conduct research on entering a university to study a
subject that you are interested in. b. Use the questions on p. 15 as a
guide to help you. Entry requirements- what subjects and grades will you need to do this course? Type of university - what type of campus is it? Is it in a city? Fees - how much does it cost? Scholarship/bursary - are there any scholarships or bursaries? How do you apply? Housing - what type of accommodation is there? Extracurricular activities Study abroad programmes Any other information of interest c. Create a visual to help you stay focused and keep your audience interested. (You can create a PowerPoint or use a site like Pictochart ( to design a multimedia poster that includes all the information you have found and present it to the class.)
*Remember: Stand up straight Make eye contact with your audience Be enthusiastic Use your voice well (speak loud and enunciate clearly)
October 11, 15
Criterion C, D - Oral presentations "Going to college"
October 4 1. 5 minute warm-up - Respond to the following prompt in your journal: What privilege of getting older are you most looking forward to? 2. Grammar quiz - Criterion D - Present Simple or Present Continuous 3. Oral Presentation Prep: ACTIVITY: Going to college Task 1 p. 15
Oral Assessment - Criterion C, D (3-4 minutes) Presentation Date - October 10-11 The future is sooner than you think! How can you prepare to enter the uni of your dreams?
a. Conduct research on entering a university to study a
subject that you are interested in. b. Use the questions on p. 15 as a
guide to help you. Entry requirements- what subjects and grades will you need to do this course? Type of university - what type of campus is it? Is it in a city? Fees - how much does it cost? Scholarship/bursary - are there any scholarships or bursaries? How do you apply? Housing - what type of accommodation is there? Extracurricular activities Study abroad programmes Any other information of interest c. Create a visual to help you stay focused and keep your audience interested. (You can create a PowerPoint or use a site like Pictochart ( to design a multimedia poster that includes all the information you have found and present it to the class.)
*Remember: Stand up straight Make eye contact with your audience Be enthusiastic Use your voice well (speak loud and enunciate clearly)
September 24 1. 5 minute warm-up Respond to the following prompt: Which three foods best describe your personality? 2. Vocabulary: 3. p.10-11 ACTIVITY: Teenage schoolboy cracks Isaac Newton's 300-year-old maths problem
ATL: Communication skills: Read critically and for comprehension; Write for different purposes
Read the text on p. 11
Answer the questions on p. 10
September 26 1. 5 minute warm-up Respond to the following prompt: If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be? 2. Grammar: Present Simple or Present Continuous 3. p. 10 Left-brain vs right-brain - Links to: Sciences
Have you wondered how the brain works? Are you a left-brain or right-brain thinker? You might have heard people say that they are good at problem-solving or better at languages. Is there a connection to how their brain works?
Visit this website to find out more: 4. Are you left-brained or right-brained? 5.Split Brain experiments game:
September 27 1. 5 minute warm-up Respond to the following prompt: What made you feel bad this week? 2. Vocabulary: p. 13 Activity: What do we call a person who. . .?
Guess the job title of the person who does each of the following. a. puts out fires
b. fixes people's teeth
c. flies an aircraft
d. takes photographs
e. experiments to find out new things
f. makes and sells medicine
g. repairs car engines
h. operates on sick people
i. writes newspaper articles
j. sends offenders to jail 3. p. 14 Activity: Find inspiration
Ade Adepitan is a Paralympian. Watch this video and listen carefully to what Ade says about goals, then answer the questions below.
Where is Ade from? (strand i)
What does Ade do? (strand i)
When did Ade's dream start? (strand i)
Evaluate the purpose of the text. (strand ii)
Who is the target audience for this programme? (strand ii) Justify your answer by stating which features or aspects of the programme are particularly suited to this audience.
Identify how long it took Ade to reach his dream. (strand i)
Who inspired Ade? (strand i)
Do you like this video? Why? Why not? (strand iii)
According to Ade, what is more important than individual success? (strand i)
Basing your answer on the final part of the video (4:09 onwards), what does Ade say anyone can achieve? Explain your answer by referring to information in the video.
September 17 1. 5 minute warm-up: Respond to the following prompt in your journal: Describe yourself in five sentences. 2. Grammar - Present Simple or Present Continuous -
3. Which Learner Profile Attributes Do You Possess? Discussion
4. Think-Pair-Share p. 4 Individually, design a logo using your name. Use your imagination - you can design by hand or by computer, you can incorporate motion or animation. Go wherever your creativity leads you! There is only one condition: your logo must reflect who you are.
5.Think-Pair-Share continued p. 4 Individually, design a logo using your
name. Use your imagination - you can design by hand or by computer, you
can incorporate motion or animation. Go wherever your creativity leads
you! There is only one condition: your logo must reflect who you are.
September 12 1.5 minute warm-up: Respond to the following prompt in your journal: Close your eyes and imagine the most relaxing place possible. Where is this place? Describe how it looks,
feels and smells. Is this a real place?
2.Think-Pair-Share continued p. 4 Individually, design a logo using your
name. Use your imagination - you can design by hand or by computer, you
can incorporate motion or animation. Go wherever your creativity leads
you! There is only one condition: your logo must reflect who you are.
3. Grammar - Present Continuous - is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing
action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in a
larger sense.
September 3 1. Welcome to Year 9 English Language Acquisition Capable
My name is Ms. Dietrich and I will be your instructor this year.
The book we will be using is: MYP by Concept 3 English Language acquisition
We will keep the books in our classroom so they will always be available when we need them.
2. What you can expect to find in your LA classes:
5 minute warm-ups (example - Respond to the following prompt in your
journal: What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten.) You will
keep your journal in class, so it's always here when we need it.
ATL (Approaches to Learning) skills
Online exercises
3.Unit 1: Am I ready for the real world?
Statement of Inquiry: Although the future may seem an eternity away, making purposeful connections with others helps us to develop as individuals and as lifelong learners.
Key Concept:Connections are links, bonds and relationships among people, objects, organisms or ideas
Related Concept:Purpose
Global Context:Identities and relationships
Inquiry Questions: Factual: What is the IB Learner Profile? Conceptual: What kind of learner are you? What careers interest you? How does the Middle Years Programme prepare you for university, college, or the CP? Debatable: Which learner profile attributes do you possess? What skills can you develop to help you prepare for the future? How do you know what you wnat to do with the rest of your life? What would be your dream job?
Key Words: approahes to learning career degree pathway skills traits work experience
IB Learner Profile: Inquirer - we are curious about our world, learn independently and use our experiences to grow in order to become lifelong learners.
4. Vocabulary 5.IN THIS UNIT, WE WILL . . .
Find out about different options and how to develop our skills.
Explore our personal approach to learning in a way that meets our individual needs to become lifelong learners.
Take action by carrying out research to begin to pursue our passion in life. Start to identify what tools are at our disposal to help us work toward our goals.
We will reflect on this learner profile attribute. Inquirers -we are curious about the world, learn independently and use our experiences to grow in order to become lifelong learners.
In pairs, discuss (Offera considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors or hypotheses. Opinions or conclusions should be presented clearly and supported by appropriate evidence.), what makes a job interesting.
Watch the video again and write down all the jobs that are mentioned. Then put these words into a word cloud. A word cloud is a way to display words in a visual form. You can use a word cloud generator like
September 6
1.5 minute warm-up Respond to the following prompt in your journal: What is your favorite time of day? Why? 2.Grammar - Present Simple
3.p. 4 Which Leaner Profile attributes do you possess? What is the IB learner Profile? At
the heart of the IB is the 'learner profile' - this is the IB mission
statement translated into a set of learning outcomes for the
twenty-first century.
Which learner profile attributes do you possess?
How do the International Baccalaureate Programmes prepare you for
university or college? Well, you might find it interesting to know that
there is research that looks at how well students who have done these
programmes do not only at Diploma level but also at university and
college. The results compare students from the MYP to students who have
completed other programmes, and they are very positive. The MYP approach
encourages you to think for yourself and to see the difference between
classroom information and the world today.
There are schools that offer other programmes as well as IB
courses. Sometimes there is competition about which programme is the
best! Everyone believe that their programme is the best option. But what
exactly makes the MYP special? It is true to say that one of the main
differences is that the MYP not only encourages you to be an independent
inquirer but also allows you to explore connections between all the
subjects, and you get to complete a personal project which involves lots
of research.