Friday, September 20, 2019

September 24, 26, 27

 Image result for left brain vs right brain

September 24
1.  5 minute warm-up  Respond to the following prompt: Which three foods best describe your personality?
2 Vocabulary:
3.  p.10-11 ACTIVITY:  Teenage schoolboy cracks Isaac Newton's 300-year-old maths problem
     ATL:  Communication skills: Read critically and for comprehension; Write for different purposes
     Read the text on p. 11
    Answer the questions on p. 10

September 26
1.  5 minute warm-up  Respond to the following prompt: If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be?
2Grammar:  Present Simple or Present Continuous
3 p. 10 Left-brain vs right-brain   -  Links to: Sciences
     Have you wondered how the brain works? Are you a left-brain or right-brain thinker? You might have heard people say that they are good at problem-solving or better at languages. Is there a connection to how their brain works?
     Visit this website to find out more:
4.   Are you left-brained or right-brained?
5.  Split Brain experiments game:

September 27
1.  5 minute warm-up  Respond to the following prompt: What made you feel bad this week?
2.  Vocabulary:  p. 13 Activity: What do we call a person who. . .?
     Guess the job title of the person who does each of the following.
     a. puts out fires
     b. fixes people's teeth
     c. flies an aircraft
     d. takes photographs
     e. experiments to find out new things
     f. makes and sells medicine
     g. repairs car engines
     h. operates on sick people
     i. writes newspaper articles
     j. sends offenders to jail
3.  p. 14 Activity: Find inspiration
     Ade Adepitan is a Paralympian. Watch this video and listen carefully to what Ade says about goals, then answer the questions below.
  • Where is Ade from? (strand i)
  • What does Ade do? (strand i)
  • When did Ade's dream start? (strand i)
  • Evaluate the purpose of the text. (strand ii)
  • Who is the target audience for this programme? (strand ii)   Justify your answer by stating which features or aspects of the programme are particularly suited to this audience.
  • Identify how long it took Ade to reach his dream. (strand i)
  • Who inspired Ade? (strand i)
  • Do you like this video? Why? Why not?  (strand iii)
  • According to Ade, what is more important than individual success? (strand i)
  • Basing your answer on the final part of the video (4:09 onwards), what does Ade say anyone can achieve? Explain your answer by referring to information in the video.

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