Friday, February 22, 2019

February 25, 26, 27

February 25
Read Theory -
Today we will become acquainted with Read Theory and create a base line.

February 26
1.  Warm-up SAT Vocabulary #1 quiz (2nd attempt)  (alleviate, insolent, narcissistic, pacify, terse, thrifty, verbose)

2.  ACTIVITY:  Write your story, change history.
ATL - Communication skills: Write for different purposes
          Transfer skills: Inquire in different contexts to gain a different perspective

Watch this inspirational TEDYouth 2011 Talk by Brad Meltzer in which he encourages us to dream big, work hard and stay humble, and then answer the questions below:  

1.  What three things does Meltzer tell his children?   (strand i)
2.  How old was Steve Jobs when he co-founded Apple?   (strand i)
3.  Identify the other famous people mentioned in the talk and write down what they did and how old they were when they did these things.   (strand i)
4.  How many rejection letters did Meltzer receive when he wrote his first book?    (strand i)
5.  Evaluate Meltzer's description of "History". Do you agree with his point of view? Why?  Why not?  (strand iii)

February 27
Writing Assessment

Criterion C -  Communicating in response to spoken, written and visual text
Criterion D -  Using Language in spoken and written form

March 4, 5, 6 - Half term break

March 11, 12, 13
 Criterion C, D - Oral Presentation
     Task:  You will select a command term and create a lesson to teach your command term to your classmates.  Presentation date:  March 18

MYP  Language Acquisition Command terms

The table below illustrates some of the most commonly used command terms in MYP language acquisition. 
Break down in order to bring out the essential elements or structure. To identify parts and relationships, and interpret information to reach conclusions. 
Construct meaning 
Create an understanding about something; infer and interpret facts, an opinion, an idea or an event that has been read, viewed, listened to. 
Assess the implications and limitations; make judgments about the ideas, works, solutions or methods in relation to selected criteria. 
Provide an answer from a number of possibilities; recognize and state briefly a distinguishing fact or feature. 
Use knowledge and understanding to recognize trends and draw conclusions from given information. 
Identify through patterns or features. 
Combine different ideas in order to create new understanding. 
Comprehend the meaning or significance of something and explain it in a different way. 

Infer                     Deduce or conclude (something) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements.

Discuss                 Talk or write about (a topic) in detail, taking into account different issues or ideas.

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