Friday, February 1, 2019

February 4, 5, 6

February 4
Criterion B - Reading Assessment

February 5
1.  Word puzzle p. 42
     LEADERSHIP    Use and rearrange th letters in the word "leadership" to create new words (minimum 20). You can use some or all of the letters in the word to make your new words. How many different words can you come up with? 

 2.  What is leadership?  How do you develop leadership skills?  p. 42
      Read page 42. Open your notebook and take notes on what you have read.

3. ACTIVITY: A lollipop moment  p. 43
    Watch the video and complete the task. Write answers in your notebook. Write in complete sentences.
February 6
1.  5 minute Paragraph Writing Warm-up
Prompt: What's the worst thing about the internet?
Write your answers here:

2.  Complete ACTIVITY: A lollipop moment

3.  Modal Verbs
Modal Verbs of Ability explanation:
Modal Verbs of Ability exercises:

Modal Verbs of Obligation explanation:
Modal Verbs of Obligation exercises:

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